1. Social media with a purpose Josh Ochs Josh Ochs, Founder, SmartSocial.com Helping students find a positive purpose for their time online and on social media and avoiding dangers is my life's passion. We know teens want to be on social media to be where their friends are at, be part...
This Thriveworks blog answers the question, "Is social media good or bad for teens?" by looking at the pros and cons of platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
The authors write that while social media isn't inherently good or bad, it can benefit or harm teens depending on how they use it — and how technology companies design their products. They caution that social media use should also reflect a teen's home environment and their maturity, includ...
Our 2023 annual data report showed that children spent a global average of 112 minutes a day on TikTok, the social media app most used by kids. While the negative effects of social media on children and teens are well-explored, there are also plenty of benefits for our kids too. ...
Every once in a while, Google the “top social media sites for teens”. This will keep you informed about the latest trends. Practical Privacy Keep computers in a “public” location, rather than in their bedroom. At your discretion, it may be a good idea to routinely check computer and...
Social media is associated with decreased well-being when young people use it to compensate for something lacking. Their use is more passive (i.e., browsing), and their communication partners are mainly those with whom they don’t have strong relationships. ...
Social Media Users United States For more insights and key statistics on the biggest trends in today’s most disruptive industries,subscribe to our Chart of the Daynewsletter. Facebook was the leading social platform among US teens and adults in January, used by 61% of those in an Edison Res...
根据文中的句子“Social media sites are one of the most important parts in Americans’ lives. 46% of Americans get news from social media sites, while 66% of Americans get it from television, 26% from printed newspapers and 23% from radio.”文可知,章开头通过列出美国人获取新闻的来源比例,以...
Research shows social media sites are healthy for teensMelissa Healy
I’ll admit it right at the start: When I think about teens and social media, I immediately begin to tally up the negatives. What good could possibly come from teens and tweens spending gobs of time on online networks, posting nonstop “selfies,” some in rather suggestive poses, and...