Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has highlighted the importance of seeking credible sources of information on social media regarding COVID-19. In this study, we conducted an in-depth analysis of Twitter posts about COVID-19 during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to ...
In Canada alone, more than 30 million social media accounts are currently registered, with teenagers one of the highest user groups.During the COVID-19 pandemic, young people were drastically affected by the sudden shift to a digital world and the explosion of a reliance on screens. School ...
2020 was marked by the coronavirus pandemic and has changed everyday life in various ways, one of which is, without a doubt, the way people use the internet. There was a significant increase in the average time U.S. users spent on social media in 2020: 65 minutes daily, compared to 54...
During these days, people are forced to stay at home and the social media have connected and supported awareness and pandemic updates. The present study aims at highlighting the present situation of Indonesian society, where the outbreak position is quite high. The study collects the data from ...
As regards this, the basic question becomes: what are the advantages and disadvantages of the roles ofsocial media in misinforming the general public about pandemics such as Covid- 19? This qualitative study would explore social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, blogs, online ...
Are there other examples where social media has been helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic? Theuse of social mediawill evolve with this outbreak. There is currently a lot of good information on social distancing and self-quarantine. As things progress, social media will be used by governments ...
Cui and Kertész EPJ Data Science (2021) 10:8 REGULAR ARTICLE Open Access Attention dynamics on the Chinese social media Sina Weibo during the COVID-19 pandemic Hao Cui1 and János Kertész1* *Correspondence: 1Department ...
COVID-19 pandemic has marked a paradox for media companies around the world: while the coronavirus outbreak has drawn attention and there has been a significant increase in news consumption, the economic impact of the crisis has forced the companies to accelerate their digitization and to reduce ...
Editor’s Note: Late yesterday (Sept. 20) COVID-19 became America’sdeadliest pandemic. And it shows no sign of ending. Some people are back in the office. Others are deciding where and how to work. While people are moving around more frequently than during the pandemic’s early stages,...
RQ4: How was attitudes to globalization related to Chinese nationalism during the period of COVID-19 pandemic? H1: Chinese nationalism is more likely to be stimulated in a pro-globalization context than an anti-globalization context. H2: Chinese nationalism that emphasizes suppression of ambivalent ...