, a thick cloud of chaos descended upon the world. The air was heavy with despair and fear as societal structures disintegrated before their very eyes. The once-almighty elite hoarded their wealth and resources, becoming increasingly detached from the strife and suffering of the rest of humanity...
“Neither the federal government nor any state in the United States shall have an established religious body of any kind, and while truthful speech and postings in the media must always be protected, slanderous and libelous statements of any kind are prohibited and will be subject to prosecution...
In a world in which not only normative bodily function but also an impression of physical wholeness was so heavily valued, those who were missing limbs often found work hard to come by. Cindy LaCom has shown how, among other factors, “public perceptions of and responses to people with disa...
Generally, people in the East and the West opine that Hindus believe in a personal God as creator of the Universe. Virtually it seems to be true, because of the popular myth of Trinity of Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver and Mahesh the destroyer. Further, the incarnation theory ...
As for why she deleted her Instagram and went private on Twitter,Cardi Bpreviously shared her take on the platforms, calling social media “the most disgusting place.” “It makes me question humanity and not only on celebs, on other people and situations,” she wrote in a post that was ...
Today, in the time of COVID-19, SE is needed more than ever because of the negative effect on health and economic downfall of the already marginalized, vulnerable, and those who depend on the day-to-day earnings [30]. One important characteristic at the time of crises is the resilience...