There are 4.7 billion social media users worldwide (We Are Social, Hootsuite) 59% of the world’s population uses social media. When you look at developed countries, that percentage goes way up. Here’s a breakdown of usage rates in more developed areas of the world: 71% of Eastern Asia...
Social media addiction is global problem that’s becoming a serious cause for concern, as it continues to eat into humanity in a drastic way. In this article, we bring you the latest facts and statistics about social media addiction that we’ve gathered from the internet and pulled from our...
teens, and young adults are the biggest group impacted by social media addiction in the US. As many as 40% of Americans aged 18 to 22 have self-reported that they’re addicted to social media.
In 2018, more than 20 percent of 11-year-old boys and girls in Denmark often found themselves thinking about when to check social media the next time. While especially the young boys were inclined to do so, it was more common for the girls in the older age groups to be confronte...
上文"However,if the social media do not handle properly , itcan become an addiction that can dominate your time and affect your work as well as relationships.(然而,如果社交媒体处理不当,它可能会成为一种瘾,支配你的时间,影响你的工作和人际关系)"讲社交媒体处理不当可能带来的问题,下文的几个小...
Why Does The Average Person Use Social Media? In a recent survey, the top 7 reasons for using social media was revealed. Here are the details, with the percentage of people who say the following are among their main reasons for using social media: ...
SocialMediaAddiction【社交媒体上瘾】Social Media Addiction Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth, a major study warned.⼀项重⼤的研究警告称,年仅10岁的孩⼦正变得依赖社交媒体来获得⾃我价值感。It found many youngsters now measure their...
9% of US online users report feeling “completely” addicted to social media, with 30% feeling “somewhat” addicted. The percentage of people addicted to social media is highest among those aged 23-38 with 15% feeling “completely” addicted and 37% feeling “somewhat” addicted. ...
Social Media Addiction【社交媒体上瘾】 Social Media Addiction Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth, a major study warned. 一项重大的研究警告称,年仅10岁的孩子正变得依赖社交媒体来获得自我价值感。