After users accept friends and make connections, they must manage overlapping contexts such as work, family, or acquaintances. This leads to the types of privacy issues discussed under “Context Collapse” in the previous “Privacy Challenges” section. Research shows that boundary violations are hard...
Its Marsad Baladia project, which began in 2014 and is funded by the European Union and Oxfam, is a transparency initiative that seeks to ‘observe the activity of municipalities through access to information, and communicate it in a clear and updated way’ (project coordinator Al Bawsala, pers...
The delay-the-reckoning heuristic interests me for its own sake and also for its connection to other time-related decision analysis issues such as the base-rate fallacy and its opposite, theslow-to-update problem. Columbia math lecturer Peter Woitwrites: There has been significant grade inflatio...
The 10th Opole Legal-Historical Colloquim “Pacta sunt servanda – an unrealistic project or a guarantee of social and legal order?”, Brzeg, 8–9 May 201Sadowski,Piotr
Medical education is a time wrought with personal and professional stressors, posing serious challenges to maintaining student wellness. Extensive research has thus been conducted to identify these stressors and develop practical solutions to alleviate t
Lazarus E: What Do Women Want?: Issues of Choice, Control, and Class in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Medical Antropology Quaterly. 1994, 8: 25-46. Google Scholar McCourt C, Rance S, Rayment J, Sandall J: Birthplace qualitative organisational case studies: how maternity care systems may affec...
Flexibility can be scaled based on needs and requirements and when the project is complete, such spaces can be archived and used as knowledge bases for similar projects.Customer support can also be implemented on ESNs. Customer care representatives can use the internal network to leverage knowledge...
Until recently, however, the Supreme Court had never agreed to hear a case with these issues (see Figure 10.8). Then in 2005, the State of California passed a law that prohibited the sale or rental of a defined class of violent video games to minors using a modification of an existing ...
The centre has around 600 visitors a day from educational and counselling services, including over 360 people in language courses, 42 people attending three secondary school classes (to obtain the 9th and 10th class grades). Approximately 50 children from 0 to 3 years of age attend parallel ...
(Rutter,1980). In the classroom, teachers are in a unique position to facilitate a positive learning climate and promote students’ motivation, wellness, and growth (Chirkov & Ryan,2001; Deci et al.,1991; Reeve,2002) and prevent the development of mental health issues such as depression (...