These studies in Ugandan refugee camps identified that violence exposure was associated with increased adolescent depression and anxiety (Meyer et al., 2017a, 2017b). Other studies with urban refugee youth in Kampala reported that nearly one-third reported symptoms of depression, which was associated...
in consultation with Congress, sets an annual cap for refugee admissions. However, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is the agency that determines exactly who meets the refugee definition and, therefore, where most of our refugees come from. ...
Meanwhile, several hundred thousand Hutu also died in the genocide and war and from diseases like cholera that spread in refugee camps when, at the end of the war, several million Hutu fled to Tanzania and Congo. Several million more were internally displaced within Rwanda. War that broke out...
and gained independence in the early 1960s. Virtually all countries, except Tanzania, have been affected by armed conflict and political violence in the past decades. In 1994, the genocide in Rwanda triggered political instability in the entire region, with a series of wars and big refugee movem...