of mainstreaming and adaptation barriers are combined with the discursive-institutional policy arrangement approach to answer the question: what factors influence the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation measures in development and renovation projects in the social housing domain in the Netherlands? We...
In the Netherlands, topics related to social cohesion, such as various aspects of participation and trust, are prominently on the political agenda. The bottom line is a widespread feeling that social cohesion in Dutch society is eroding, which is also reflected in a perception of a change from...
Social Work and Public Safety Issues in the Netherlands and BelgiumBaillergeau, EvelynePhilosophy, FacSchaut, Christine
Robert Borst Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam the Netherlands Health and Medical Humanities, Health Policy & Services, Science/Technology & Society, Sociology Eugenio Bortolini Human Ecology and Archaeology (HUMANE), IMF, CSIC, Barcelona Spain Archaeology, Anthropo...
The Dutch Social en Cultural Planning Office (SCP) monitors social changes and social services, evaluates social policies, gives information about expected developments in the future and gives recommendations for further policy. Key issues are the assessment of economic, demographic and social changes an...
Social media: TikTok users in the Netherlands - Get the report with graphs and tables on statista.com!
When I write about Social Security, my main goal is to point out how Americans would be much richer if the United States had personal retirement accounts based on real savings (like workers in Australia, Chile, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Netherlands, the Faroe Islands, Denmark, Israel, and Swede...
Environmental public interest litigation is an innovative legal mechanism for humanity to address environmental crises. It not only addresses the tragedy of the commons in environmental crises but also serves as a crucial means for protecting the rights
School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic may contribute to educational inequality. In the Netherlands, Schuurman et al. (2021) examined the impact of the first school closure for vulnerable student groups among 886 grades 3–5 students from 13 schools. A large percentage of these students ...
43.[C]A 2018 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, for example, followed researchers in the Netherlands. 44.[I]He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paper are the funding agents who distribute government grant money. 45.[E]This is ba...