By viewing these issues through the perspective of social cause interest it is possible to apply the theory of social capital [14] including in the current and most relevant form of human resource development [15]. Through gaining insight into how social capital can be created through entrepreneur...
The media’s influence can be seen in the increased social preference for their ethnicity in Rwandan residents who have been exposed to nationalist propaganda [39,40], and increased trust has been observed in women in rural India due to enlightened media education [41]. The degree of freedom ...
As a full-service, progressive digital web agency in India & USA, SEOTonic delivers impeccable services to build brands and help them connect with their own clients digitally. We believe in building [... view the full profile of SeoTonic] Top Services: Social Media Marketing Digital Marketing...
Despite a recent line of research highlighting trust as an important determinant of residents’ happiness in Western countries, empirical evidence regarding the strength of these linkages in the developing world needs to be more comprehensive and conclus
Given this background, this paper aims to explore the following three issues: first, does opportunity inequality, as measured by intergenerational mobility, affect family education investment? Second, if there is an effect, what are the underlying mechanisms – will it encourage parents to invest mo...
I also recommend this recent paper by Brandon de la Cuesta, Naoki Egami, Kosuke Imai, Improving the External Validity of Conjoint Analysis: The Essential Role of Profile Distribution, which addresses issues of average predictive comparisons that have come up many times before in this space, for ...
AbstractforUnequal higher educational attainment across social backgrounds in West Bengal, India: a sociological analysis | Full Text | References | PDF (1.9 MB) | EPUB 2197 Views 1 CrossRef citations 0Altmetric Open Access POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Article Migrant mineworkers and South Af...
Social class related inequalities in household health expenditure and economic burden: evidence from Kerala, south India. International Journal of Equity Health. 2011; 10 :1. doi: 10.1186/1475-9276-10-1. [ Cross Ref ]Mukherjee S, Haddad S, Narayana D. Social class related inequalities in ...
Some of the major issues in social changes according to Gandhi are as follows: Although seemingly a contradiction in terms, it may be said that Gandhi was both a conservative and a radical reformer. Through his experiences in South Africa, he realized the nature and scale of India’s problems...
Those correction notices, in full. (Yes, it’s possible to directly admit and learn from error.) (15 comments) Practical issues with calibration for every group and every decision problem (15 comments) Presidential campaign effects are small. (15 comments) Bayesian inference (and mathematical rea...