准社会交往理论(Para-social interaction Theory,简称PSI)由心理学家霍顿(Donald Horton)和沃尔(R. Richard Wohl)于 1956 年提出。这一概念最早出现在他们发表于《精神病学》杂志上的文章《Mass communication and para-social interaction: Observations on intimacy at a distance》中[1]。 霍顿与沃尔用“准社会交...
Social Interaction Theory: this article explains thesocial interaction theory, developed byRobert Freed Balesin a practical way. After reading this article, you’ll understand the basics of this powerfulcommunicationandhuman behaviortool. Highlights include an explanation of social interaction theory (the ...
Interactionist theory and disciplinary interaction: Psychology, sociology, and social psychology in France. In WJ. Baker, M.E. Hyland, R. van Hezewijk, & S. Terwee (Bits.), Recent trends in theoretical psychology , (Vol. 2) (pp. 347–358). New York: Springer-Verlag....
What is social perception in social psychology? What is behavioral theory in psychology? What is social behaviorism? What is social interaction theory? What is social role theory? What does social-cognitive psychology study? What is social control in psychology?
Learn about social interaction and its definition. Understand what social interaction is, see examples of social interaction, and view types of...
Differentiation between social groups: Studies in the social psychology of intergroup relations[M]. Academic Press, 1978. [7]Tajfel H, Turner J C, Austin W G, et al. An integrative theory of intergroup conflict[J]. Organizational identity: A reader, 1979, 56(65): 9780203505984-16. [8]...
The widespread and increasing use of cooperative learning is one of the great success stories of social and educational psychology. Its success largely rests on the relationships among theory, research, and practice. Social interdependence theory provides a foundation on which cooperative learning is bu...
Social Identity Theory (SIT) is a theory within social psychology that focuses on the role of social identities in intergroup behavior. It explains how individuals construct, internalize, and express their social identity, which is their sense of belonging to certain social groups and the emotional...
, Social Exchange Theory was developed to explain communication and interaction, as well as the factors governing interaction in humans. This theory has had tremendous impact on social psychology, sociology, and many other fields, including areas that initially influenced the development of the theory...
A noradrenergic theory of cognitive reserve: implications for Alzheimer's disease Neurobiology of AgingJournal2013,Neurobiology of Aging Ian H.Robertson 6.4Social interaction Social interactionmay be a special case of mental activity, but given that human beings are a fundamentally social species, evolved...