Our vision is to design a culture that leads the way on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; one where everyone knows and feels that they are welcome and valued. We want to set the bar on how tech companies create cultures of diversity and belonging; we want to be a workplace others look...
employees should extend far beyond the services we provide to our clients. We strive to be leaders in our communities through our actions, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our firm, social justice for all, and a wide range of charitable and other community-building activities. ...
Social Commitment Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Charitable Giving Pro Bono Sustainability WellbeingPerspectives We are a firm that celebrates diversity, equity, inclusion and service within the global communities in which we live and work. - Jon A. Ballis, P.C., Chairman, Executive CommitteeSeptembe...
How we’re doing: A look inside our 2024 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report As we continue to build on our great momentum, we are focused on developing and retaining underrepresented talent, expanding our hiring pipeline, and enabling our leaders to foster inclusive work cultures where all tea...
(NYSE: KEYS) released its 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report and 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Report, highlighting the company's recent environmental, social impact, ethical governance, diversity, and equity achievements. Surpassing many CS...
(1) a cover letter expressing interest and qualifications relevant to the position including (3-5 pages): - A description of your research, including your current and planned research activities and interests - A description of how your work contributes to equity and inclusion - A description of...
While there is no single definition of social justice, most approaches share the broad goals of inclusion and fairness. In order to achieve those goals, they establish a set of ethical principles for a just society. These principles may include: ...
The McKinsey-World Economic Forum knowledge collaboration on social justice focuses on the new social contract, inclusion, and diversity.
We have always believed that you can do well by doing good. That’s why Wyndham Hotels & Resorts has worked to integrate diversity and inclusion, environmental sustainability, human rights and community support initiatives into our business practices. ...
the Brembo’sModern Slavery Statementand thePolicy on Non Discrimination and Diversity. In particular, through the latter Brembo set out the guidelines on how to promote the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the Group and disseminate a solid DEI culture. The Policy is al...