Drought stress can trigger tree mortality but the impact depends on stress intensity (water demand and availability) and on the vulnerability of the individual. Therefore, most research focusses on the species-specific properties such as water use efficiency or hydraulic conductivity that determine vuln...
Land use change trajectories, conservation status and social importance of dry forests in Nicaraguadoi:10.1017/S0376892914000186Federica RaveraDavid TarrasonJosep Espelta
Open shrubs and evergreen broadleaf forests are the most abundant terrestrial ecosystems. Canada has the largest area of natural and relatively well preserved terrestrial ecosystems. Indonesia and China have the largest percentages of cropland area near the shore, and Japan and the US have the ...
supplies of wood as global demand rises and our own supplies fall." The UK has ideal conditions for growing wood to build low-carbon homes and is a global leader in certifying that its forests are sustainably managed, Confor says. While around three quarters of Scottish homes are built from...
Tomorrow's forests will be generaly the small patches of tree lands being established under the Social Forestry programmes along road side, canal banks, railway lines, community lands, homesteads. etc. It has been shown in some detail where the tree lands will be created under Social Forestry....
Among the practices of great importance for sustainability, it is essential to conserve and sustainably manage natural resources, including water, soil, forests, wildlife and natural habitats, to ensure the ecological balance of the planet and the availability of these resources for future generations....
Perceived high cohesion may lead to more satisfaction of the group members and their overall attraction to the group, whereas perceived low cohesion reduces the motivation to stay in the group. This result is of high importance for any setting, be it exercise, recreational, or competitive sport....
European Journal of Psychology of Education (2024) 39:4515–4552 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-024-00877-8 Importance of students' social resources for their academic achievement and well‑being in elementary school Jakob Schwerter1,3 · Justine Stang‑Rabrig1 ...
Beyond its ecological meaning of 'bouncing back' after disturbance as has been studied from coral reefs to forests (Baho et al. 2017; Brand and Jax 2007; Folke 2006; Meerow and Newell 2019; Trumbore et al. 2015; Yi and Jackson 2021), resilience has also been considered as an ...
We have already emphasised the important contribution of considering forests as SES. In this section, we outline what the social-ecological approach implies for an analysis of forest conflicts. To this end, we emphasise three aspects that from our point of view are of central importance for fores...