AutismSome scholars have suggested that fiction builds upon our capacity for daydreaming and imagination, while others have proposed that it appeals to our capacity for getting inside the minds of others. However, very little research has investigated the way that individuals with deficits in ...
Five subscales cover personality traits associated with the autistic spectrum; social skills, communication, imagination, attention to detail, and attention switching. Results Intellectual Ability Mean score on the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices was not significantly different between the groups (F...
Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) The AQ (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001; Hoekstra et al., 2008) measures characteristics indicative for autism in five domains: social interaction, attention switching, communication, imagination, and attention to details. It consists of 50 items answered on a 4-point Li...
individuals with higher levels of autism-related traits should be more likely to use social media platforms to share topics of their special interests, which are more factually-based than socially-driven, and use social media as a way to avoid or substitute for, rather than extend, real...
The AQ consists of five subscales: social skills, local details, attention switching, communication, and imagination. The IWM is composed of three subscales: secure, anxious, and avoidant attachment styles. The KiSS-18 is a single-factor model. First, we calculated the correlations between AQ,...
Perceptual decision-making in autism as assessed by “spot the difference” visual cognition tasks Article Open access 14 September 2022 Individualized models of social judgments and context-dependent representations Article Open access 04 February 2025 Visual imagination can influence visual perception...
Language, social, and cognitive impairments in autism and severe mental retardation An epidemiological study is outlined that shows that Kanner's syndrome is one group among a wider range of children, all with impairment of social interaction, communication, and imagination. Most, but not all, chil...
Children with ASD are known to have three main difficulties, which include two-way interaction, communication difficulties and lack of imagination. ASD includes Autistic Disorder, Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Development Disorder. The subjects for this study were 4 learners with ASD between the ages...
Another study showed that the secondary somatosensory cortex - an area usually involved in coding the sensory component of physical pain - was activated by the mere re-imagination and reliving of a romantic partner break-up triggered by viewing a headshot photograph of the ex-partner (Kross et ...
as high levels of theory-of-mind are necessary for cultivating an online persona that is engaging and efficacious. ‘Healthy’ (non-clinical, personality-level) positive schizotypal traits such as high creativity and imagination, particularly traits that enhance as well as extend mentalistic trait ex...