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These women “traded on heterosexuality,” strategically relying on their ability to symbolically and performatively indicate their own heterosexual identities (in spite of these same-sex practices) to garner attention, status, and better treatment than other groups of women (such as lesbian women). ...
For about a year this has been a group dedicated to games, but I think it’s time to expand it into a social group for couples, singles, and anyone who likes to do fun stuff socially.This group is for everyone who enjoys playing board, role playing, or v
Focus groups conducted by Meyer (2016) and Ricciardelli and Adorjan (2019) evoked similar responses. For instance, participants noted that unlike men, women have “something to lose” (p. 57) if a sexual image is disseminated beyond the intended audience. Another participant concluded that ...
Supporting efforts to dismantle the imperial framework and promote a decentralized, federal system can help address the root causes of conflict and ensure that all ethnic groups have a voice in their governance. This approach, akin to the dissolution of Yugoslavia, could pave the way for a more...
The default open access and highly customizable profiles remind me of Myspace; Hi5's school groups and the "degrees of separation" friend model are similar to FaceBook. Most of the standard trappings of current online social networks are present; groups, messaging, photo albums, a music player...
historical_methods_and_methodology_for_undergraduates" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" translate="no" target="_blank"> Boost appreciated. Thank you. Betsy Roberts Miller ⁂The State Archives of North Carolina...
ll find that people try to advance the interests of special groups they care about, for example their families, sports teams, ethnic groups, or countries. We cannot stamp out these features of our evolved psychology because they will simply resurface with each new generation. Inst...
vote by education and sex during the past few elections. It’s never completely clear to me how this would be expected to affect parties’ positioning—in electoral terms, their goal is to get more votes, not votes of any particular demographic groups—but it reflects changes in public ...
Eric Church might tell you this song should be No. 1. It's certainly among his most important songs, as it brought his record label on board for the kind of rebellious sound he was leaning into. More than any fanbase, Eric Church fans aren't a monolith. Large groups love the heavy ...