Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 25, 142–152. Article Google Scholar Mueser, K. T., Valenti-Hein, D., & Yarnold, P. R. (1987). Dating-skills groups for the developmentally disabled: Social skills and problem-solving versus relaxation training. Behavior ...
All studies combined indicated a medium to large overall effect of 0.83 (95% CI 0.60, 1.07) under the random effects model (Cohen1988). Effect estimates for the overall model are included in Table2. The overall sample was divided into F2F-SST (14 observed groups) and BITs-SST (5 observed...
Laura Hull9, William Mandy7, Kenji Tsuchiya2,8 and Eiji Shimizu1,2,6 Abstract Background To examine the relationship between social camouflage and mental health in Japanese autistic adults and make an international comparison with a sample from the UK...
In recent years, "do it yourself" social skills teaching tools for parents and autistic adults have hit the market. These generally take the form of books and videos modeling different types of interactions, along with hints and tips for "doing it right." Drama therapists also work on social...
To test the proximal causes for a change in MeA activity, in vitro whole-cell recordings were also obtained from young adults to measure synaptic activity (8 rats per group) and membrane responsiveness (8 rats per group). To determine the time course of the changes over the postweaning ...
‘valued dimensions’ such as physical strength, salary, or academic achievement2,3,4,5,6. Social status hierarchies are ubiquitous across cultures7, age groups8, and even many animal species9,10. Moreover, social status has a variety of behavioural consequences. For example, low status ...
Social notions, such as norms, categories, groups, values, or roles, must be embedded in the agent’s cognition as they are also an integral part of a humans’ cognition [2]. Moreover, it is also hard to dissociate intelligence from social life since the evolution of both is profoundly ...
Family Resources and Successful Adaptation to Autistic Children. In The Effects of Autism on the Family; Springer: Boston, MA, USA, 1984; pp. 289–310. [Google Scholar] Lonergan, K.H. Subjective and Objective Measures of Social Support as Moderator of the Effects of Dementia Impairment on ...
All instruments showed excellent internal consistency in autistic adults. The instruments showed evidence of convergent validity, and the strength of relationships between measures were equivalent between ASD and SAD groups. For all instruments, performance of these instruments in autistic adults with a ...
To carry out the plan, they went to a remote area in the Kimberley region of Australia that had not yet been invaded by the toads, and fed the wild lizards on young cane toads. Though the smaller animals release the same poison as the adults, they do so in smaller doses. Therefore,...