It has been recognized before by those interested in the arts, but it has been largely ignored by those who specialize in social and political studies. The contributors to this panel are to be congratulated for their documentation of this function of the arts, and our chairman deserves special...
In this section, I discuss finding trends by browsing the discover page and using the search function. Check the discover page To access the discover page, shown in the figure below, tap Discover in the main navigation. Scroll through the main discover page to see what’s currently trending,...
Executive Function Mechanisms of Theory of Mind This study examined the relationship between Executive Function (EF) and Theory of Mind (ToM) using the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System ... Fayeza,S.,Ahmed,... - 《Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders》...
But the maintenance of courts, police departments, reform schools, and prisons seem better treated as a general function of government and omitted from this series. Similarly, one can recognize the importance of urban transportation in assuring access to jobs and steady earnings without classifying ...
This bird's-eye view of the general steering function of the college-bred amid the driftings of democracy ought to help us to a wider vision of what our colleges themselves should aim at. If we are to be the yeast-cake for democracy's dough, if we are to make it rise with culture...
Well before any clear idea of genetic speciation existed in European biology, there was a very clear idea of what might be called social speciation—that is, the emergence of one institution from another in time and of the whole differentiation of function and structure that goes with this ...
The economics/statistics instructor’s primary function is to provide instruction and assess student learning in a variety of economics and statistics courses. The instructor will collaborate with colleagues to maintain and develop curriculum, serve on college committees, and perform other duties appropriat...
Virtual Open Mics exhibit teammates’ non-work talents and help coworkers value colleagues on a more personal level. Performing in front of others takes nerve, but Virtual Open Mics prime teammates to function in full view of the team. After all, if Gustav can nail that accordion solo or Ro...
both in the sense that it was a fun read and that it made me think. I went back and read most of her other books—they kind of blur in my mind a bit, but that’s more of a function of my aging than anything else; I think that if these books had been available when I was ...
In this way the results around parental education end support to Bourdieu’s [19] assertions of the social inequality reproduction function of social capital, even as described in this paper more diverse social networks may ultimately convey more social capital. We, however, also mostly focus on ...