research.Phraseslike“socialumimpact.Loadingmessagesofresearchshowedthatwhile determinantsofhealth”anddownwithmorethanoneortwofactssomephrasingappealedtoone “socialfactors”failedtoengagetendstodepressresponsestothem.politicalperspectiveoveranother, theaudience,evenwhenweprogressiveshadatendencyto addedmorecontext.Howeve...
Health, illness, and use of care: the impact of social factors.Amsterdam: JAI.Kronenfeld, J., Ed. (2000). Health, illness and use of care: The impact of social factors. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Kronenfeld, J.J., (2000). Health, illness, and use of care: the impact of social ...
We briefly summarize the literature that links cancer outcomes with each of these factors and, where available, focus on what is known about LGBT persons. Table 1. Social Determinants of Health Economic StabilityNeighborhood and Physical EnvironmentEducationCommunity and Social ContextHealth Care ...
education, and transportation) are critical factors in promoting individual and population health. There is alsoevidencethat addressing the social determinants of health can improve health status.1It is thus not surprising that, in the past several years, health care systems, policymakers, and research...
it’s food insecurity, whether it’s housing issues, whether it’s education issues like lack of appropriate support for learning disabilities, or whether it’s personal safety issues such as violence in the home or the neighborhood, or other factor...
Indeed, recent evidence from Latin American older adults underscores a more pronounced influence of heterogeneous and disparity-related factors (that is, social determinants of health, education, mental health symptoms and physical activity) on healthy aging relative to the age and sex traditional ...
care and specialists offices, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, diagnostic tests, and treatments); 3. Impact on costs (direct and indirect costs); 4. Impact on quality of life; and 5. Strategies to reduce the impact (interventions on social and hygienic factors and ...
and we explore the potential for algorithmic bias in LM predictions. Our methods could yield real-world evidence on SDoH, assist in identifying patients who could benefit from resource and social work support, and draw attention to the under-documented impact of social factors on health outcomes....
3 Overall, the social and health benefits associated with SCCE thus may have cumulative and interactive associations with health care utilization. However, despite extensive research on other social factors (including social isolation, networks, and support) and health care utilization,25 there has ...
"There are different factors in each sector, but one underlying factor is that the strength of the labor market is giving workers more bargaining power than they have had in decades," Dean Baker, senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, told Xinhua. Joseph McCartin, ...