1. (Sociology) unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice 2. subtle appreciation in matters of taste 3. the ability to see fine distinctions and differences 4. (Electronics) electronics the selection of a signal having a particular frequency, amplitude...
The notion of social exclusion originates from the French political scene. Here, even since the mid-1970s, it has been an important political concept for the definition of the moral-political rationale behind the Republique and French citizenship. In France, it has a particular meaning attached ...
Social Inclusion is a quarterly peer-reviewed open access journal, which provides academics and policy-makers with a forum to discuss and promote a more socially inclusive society.
social exclusion ▼ Full browser ? ▲ social butterfly Social capital Social capital Social capital Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey Social Capital Formation Social Capital Initiative Social care Social care Social care Social care Social Care Access to Research Evidence Social Care Alarm Internet...
social exclusion. According to Mary Daly the concept is wider than poverty as it talks about resource availability and also about participation in the various social processes. Social exclusion is a process by which individuals or households experience multiple deprivations, either of resources or of...
social Exclustoin in European Cities, the first major study of this topic, provides a definition of social exclusion and looks at both the processes which cause it and the dimensions of the problem throughout Europe. The experiences of people living in areas or neighbourhoods with low rates ...
Thesociologyofsocial stratificationis concerned with the distribution of scarce resources and with the formation of social hierarchies by the processes of social closure and exclusion. The most common illustration of social stratification would be the unequal distribution of economic resources, resulting in...
Considering the multilanguage status of South Africa, this unavailability of the questionnaire in other languages could lead to the exclusion of people with insufficient English language proficiency. Similarly, the current analysis consciously addresses South Africans holistically, ignoring group diversity. A...
In this article, I develop a new conceptual framework, a new thinking technology, for understanding the bullying that takes place between children in schools. In addition, I propose a new definition of bullying. This new thinking technology reflects a sh
we only have a relatively low number of first-generation immigrant students in our sample (N = 487), and by definition, only a small proportion of them attend classrooms with low-diversity levels. Consequently, the findings related to diversity effects on first-generation immigrants’ social...