Social-Emotional Learning: Supporting Growth in Elementary School Students and Staff The social and emotional well-being of students and staff is fundamental to school success. You have the power to create a positive, supportive environment that values meaningful, effective social-emotional learning. Wh...
你知道什么是社会情感学习(SEL)吗?让我们一起走进SEL的课堂尽情探索吧!6月9日,不同学段的SEL研讨课正当时。 1、小学SEL课程Elementary School SEL Ms Fancy老师认为学生对自我调节有一定的认知,但实际应用起来不尽如人意。因此,比起灌输型课堂,情景体验能让学生有直观感受,从而帮助他们更好地理解和进行自我调节。...
As part of the Habitudes program, we've created a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum that will resonate with high school and middle school students.
According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), social emotional learning (SEL) is how children and adults learn to understand and manage emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisi...
Elementary SEL OurSEL curriculum for elementary students, embedded throughout HMH’s research-backed programs, educates the whole child. Learn More Middle School SEL OurSEL curriculum for middle schoolaims to help students navigate complex peer relationships and learn to resolve conflicts. ...
Learn to use Reflect in Microsoft Teams to take the emotional temperature of your class and initiate social and emotional learning. Get started RESOURCES Initiate conversations with Reflect on Kahoot! Research demonstrates that explicit teaching of social and emotional skills improves student academic an...
What overt learning experiences provide learners opportunities to engage in “taught” social and emotional learning? Explore it Now it’s time to explore SEL in more depth. Use these interactive activities to gain more understanding of the five CASEL competencies and their associated skills, and ...
"Kim has been a huge support for our elementary school staff. From coaching and counseling staff during the pandemic, to teaching our families about what it means to have healthy children, academically, socially, and emotionally, Kim has found her niche in supporting schools. I could not be ...
Social emotional learning in elementary schools is nothing new. While the term has been embroiled in political turmoil, CASEL reports thatall 50 states have adopted SEL competenciesfor pre-K, and 27 states for grades K-12. Source:CASEL
Explore ourprofessional development offeringsandsocial-emotional learning curriculumfor support in incorporating SEL into your and other greatsocial and emotional learning resourcesfromShaped.Including SEL activities forelementary,middle, andhigh schoolstudents as well asSEL writing prompts. ...