Sign up for the social emotional learning email course filled with tips to get you started, lesson and activity ideas, PLUS tons of FREE resources you can access right away. Everything you need to teach social skills and emotional literacy in the classroom! First Name Personal Email Address ...
Daily greeting routines build community and confidence. They can also be used as a social-emotional learning check-in. Use this daily greeting printable to give students ideas for how they can greet you. You can use the ideas on the printable or create your own with your class. Learn more:...
根据第一段关键句 “In recent years, the number of young people using social media has increased dramatically, so a large part of their social and emotional development is occurring while they are on the Internet.(近年来,使用社交媒体的年轻人数量急剧增加,因此他们的社交和情感发展很大一部分是在...
根据第一段关键句“In recent years, the number of young people using social media has increased dramatically, so a large part of their social and emotional development is occurring while they are on the Internet. (近年来,使用社交媒体的年轻人数量急剧增加,因此他们的社交和情感发展很大一部分是在...
Sample Social Emotional Learning Activities through the Arts There are plenty of ways to put SEL through the Arts into action. While you may have a specific social emotional learning curriculum, these ideas can be embedded into a variety of lessons: ...
In this podcast, we will provide you with the tools, resources and ideas to implement proven strategies backed by the most current neuroscience research to help you to achieve the long-term gains of implementing a social and emotional learning program in your school, or emotional intelligence ...
Choose from over 100 premade SEL activities using Nearpod’s interactive features like Draw It, Time to Climb, and Drag & Drop to incorporate into lessons, or as a bell ringer, an exit ticket, for extra practice, or homework. Nearpod’s social-emotional learning activities are built on the...
TheImpactofSocialMediaonAdolescents(青少年) Usingsocialmediahasbecomearoutineactivityformostyoungpeople.Inrecentyears,thenumberofyoungpeopleusingsocialmediahasincreaseddramatically,soalargepartoftheirsocialandemotionaldevelopmentisoccurringwhiletheyareontheInternet.Socialmediaallowyoungpeopletoachieveonlinemanyofthetasksthat...
The goal behind this communication activity resembles that of my PB&J fourth grade bit. During the activity, children sit back-to-back and each pair is given identical LEGO pieces. In each pair, Child #1 creates a structure with the pieces while Child #2, still turned the other way, waits...
Children, and teenagers in particular, seem to be under more stress than ever before, with the increase of technology and opportunities for them to compare themselves to others. That’s why it’s important to teach relaxation techniques and emotional regulation strategies to help children cope with...