社会网络嵌入性 例句>> 4) social embeddedness 社会嵌入 1. The paper examines this question from a new perspective,that is social embeddedness theory. 为此,本文从一个新的理论视角,即社会嵌入理论,来考察这一问题。 更多例句>> 5) The theory of ebeddiness society structure 嵌入性社会结构理论6...
1. 社会镶嵌 本研究引进社会学域中的社会镶嵌(social embeddedness)观点,强调知识分享过程是一种人际互动的过程,所以其中必须具备 … sbrsign.management.org.tw|基于37个网页 2. 社会嵌入性 第二条研究路径是以社会结构为中心, 尤其强调社会嵌入性(social embeddedness)对选民行为的规范和制约,不再把投票视为个 …...
Embeddedness theory stresses the importance of concrete personal relations and networks of relations in economic life. Recent sociological research shows that effects of embeddedness may differ between social settings, and recent experimental anthropological findings reveal that levels of cooperation and norm-...
Social capital theory extends the embeddedness concept and emphasises the multifaceted social structures, affairs and practices that promote access to resources.doi:10.1057/978-1-137-59820-2_2Robert LeeManchester Metropolitan UniversityPalgrave Macmillan UK...
The small world framework, based on random graph theory, enables us to use this probability to interpolate the economy between a situation of close-knit group interaction and arms-length anonymous market inter- action. This transition is accompanied by a decline in social embeddedness and can ...
Uzzi, B. Embeddedness in the making of financial capital: How social relations and networks benefit firms seeking financing. Am. Sociol. Rev. 20, 481–505 (1999). Article Google Scholar Granovetter, M. S. The strength of weak ties. Am. J. Sociol. 78, 1360–1380 (1973). Article MATH...
We discuss models for different types of embeddedness. The chapter likewise includes a sketch of models of cooperation based on social preferences and of simulation studies as an alternative to game-theoretic analysis. 展开 关键词:Kooperation Spieltheorie ...
While the Embeddedness and Structural Diversity theories of social contagion explain the influence effects we observe, the Complex Contagion theory does not. These results suggest interventions that account for social contagion will spread behaviour change more effectively....
The sources and consequences of embeddedness for the economic performance of organizations: The network effect. American Sociological Review, 61, 674–698. Google Scholar Whitmeyer, J. M. (1997a). Applying general equilibrium analysis & game theory to exchange networks. Current Research in Social...
Critiques traditional approaches to entrepreneurship research and proposes an alternative approach based on Granovetter's (1983) theory of embeddedness. The embedded nature of social behavior is defined as the way in which action is constrained or facilitated because of its social context. The deficienci...