Among all the influencing factors, economic factors have the strongest effect on public interest both before and after the typhoon鈥檚 landfall. Our findings indicate that online social users are of great potential for volunteers and donors.
Typhoon Haiyan exposed the vulnerability of the Filipino society to extreme events, particularly the poor who live in hazard-prone areas. Analyzing the vulnerability allows decision-makers to recognize and address its underlying causes as part of managing the overall risks of extreme events and ...
Levine, SheldonSheldon Levine (2013) - Social Media Being Used To Help In The Wake Of Typhoon Haiyan, november 2013. [Online] Available at: wake-of-typhoon-haiyan/#sthash.wr5etQgz.dpuf (Feb,22, 2016)...
the substantial impact of social media on government preparations for the super typhoon, information campaign as well as it importance in addressing the needs of survivors and saving countless lives during the onslaught.It is eye opener about climate change, global warming and its effects to mankind...
In the era of big data, the use of social media platforms is being popularized. Social media users can be seen as social sensors to monitor real time emergency events. In this paper, a similarity-based method is proposed to early detect all kinds of emergency events in social media, ...
Exposure and vulnerability to natural disasters and the effects of climate change are particularly high in the Philippines. At the same time, the Philippines has developed one of the most advanced social protection systems in the East Asia Pacific region. The Department of Social Welfare and ...
2015. "Digital Inequality and Second-Order Disasters: Social Media in the Typhoon Haiyan Recovery." Social Media + Society 1 (2): 1-11.Madianou, M. (2015). Digital Inequality and Second-Order Disasters : Social Media in the Typhoon Haiyan Recovery. Social...
to identify households in Roxas City with under-5 children of normal nutritional status as of February-April 2014; to determine the level of social capital among the cases and controls examined in post-Haiyan Roxas City as of February-April 2014; lastly, to adjust for the effects of socio-ec...
eat (RTE) rice and rice-cornstarch noodle (bihon) product formulations of the College of Home Economics (CHE) of the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) were used to produce emergency relief foods for the survivors of super typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) in the ...
s spatiotemporal evolution. Taking the super typhoon Haiyan as a case, we constructed a retweeting network and mapped this network according to the tweets’ location information. The results show that (1) the distribution of in-degree and out-degree follow power-law and retweeting networks are ...