on the one side, and those of social and economic history on the other, there was a tendency to lose sight of the fact that war itself often treated as if belonging exclusively to the preserve of the political and military historians could have very profound social and economic effects. Desp...
Human sexual activity - Social, Cultural, Aspects: The effects of societal value systems on human sexuality are, as has already been mentioned, profound. The American anthropologist George P. Murdock summarized the situation, saying: The historical her
various local institutions and organizations are mobilized to play a key role in HIV service delivery and surveillance. Drawing on a socio-material approach to the body and the economy, this study theorizes the emergence of three ‘HIV service bio...
At the conference where I’m speaking, one of the Uruguayans shared a slide showing the economic history of his country divided into three periods. The country hadclassical liberalismfor its first several decades, followed by about 100 years of bad policy, and then some modest improvements over ...
Finally, a higher level of synchrony during the virtual interaction was specifically associated with increased positive emotional alignment and liking. It can thus be presumed that virtual social interactions may share similar characteristics and social effects as face-to-face interactions. Considering the...
Evenafter poor relief became the responsibility of Parochial Boards, these Boards werelargely composed of office-bearers in the Church.The study covers the years from around 1830 to the outbreak of the First World War.1830 was chosen because by then the effect of industrial change was beginning...
The use of social media influencer collaboration is growing exponentially. This study explores the persuasive power of influencers on followers’ perceived brand credibility and purchase intention by applying the elaboration likelihood model of persuasio
This article contributes to research on citizenship and belonging in the post-Brexit white East European migration to the UK. It explores wearing a garment as an act of citizenship and an embodied methodology. It is formed of two interrelated parts: the first presents the argument that wearing ...
With the adoption of the first constitution, its text was changed several times, but the right of grassroots initiative was almost always present in it. For more than 100 years, in addition to the right to a constitutional or constituent referendum, the Swiss people have also had the right ...
Effects of social pressure were compared between the pre- and post-World War \{II\} generations in Japan. The dependent variable was the number of children in the regression equation. A dummy variable for the first child, which was set to 1 when the first child was a boy, and a dummy...