As mentioned above, social Darwinism has often linked to nationalism and imperialism. During the age of New Imperialism, the concepts of evolution justified the exploitation of “lesser breeds without the law” by “superior races”. To elitists, strong nations were composed of white people who ...
How did European imperialism affect China? What were the positive and negative effects of European imperialism? How did nationalism lead to European imperialism in Asia? How did industrialism affect American imperialism? How did imperialism affect Africa economically? After the Industrial Revolution, how...
Learn about social imperialism throughout history. Discover the difference between Western and Soviet imperialism, and study examples of each type...
Social-imperialism is a Marxist expression, typically used in a derogatory fashion, to describe people, parties, or nations that are "socialist in words, imperialist in deeds". The phrase was first used in Marxist circles during the early 20th century discussions on the position of the ...
This article discusses the effects of imperialism on British (or chiefly English) social life and education in the nineteenth century rather than examining the effects on the colonised as is usually done. It is shown that the nineteenth century was infused with different visual and written images ...
American Revolution | Overview, Causes & Impact from Chapter 3 / Lesson 1 76K Learn about the American Revolution causes and effects. Discover the laws that precipitated the revolutionary war and the effects of the American Revolution. Related...
Right of foreigners to be protected by the laws of their own nation. King Leopard II the Belgian king who opened up the African interior to European trade along the Congo River and by 1884 controlled the area known as the Congo Free State Effects of Imperialism disease, famine, breakdown of...
A careful inquiry of the demands which have been and are made by communal leaders will reveal the true character and objective of communal politics under the cover of religion, ritual and culture. It has been documented in reports that Previously, British imperialism used communalism as a...
The role of imperialism in shaping the welfare systems of countries that were previously under European rule has received relatively little attention in mainstream social policy circles. Focusing on the British colonial experience, the book reveals that a complex pattern of welfare provision emerged in...
Despite despair all around the world, the evidence of humanity advancing is more evident in the present than ever. However, counter-forces still exists. The evil forces of certain political systems such as imperialism and fascism and economic systems of capital-based financing are not dead yet. ...