ETGAR a required health disparities course, based on the social ecological model, was initiated to answer the NAM call. This study aimed to ascertain the course impact on students learning of SDOH and health disparities.Students during their first clinical year cared for four patients in their ...
She added that SDOH can also be used to promote socioecological and public health. The Healthy People 2030 model is an initiative designed to improve the overall health of the US population by 2030, with one of the overarching themes being SDOH. “There are numer...
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain As Black women continue to have the lowest breastfeeding initiation and duration rates in the United States, researchers examined factors associated with breastfeeding disparities and inequities through the lens of critical race theory and the social-ecological model in...
A derivative of the socio-ecological model specific to HIV vulnerability is the environments of risk and their corresponding structural vulnerabilities shaped by these contexts (Rhodes et al., 2012). Biopolitics asserts health disparities are firmly rooted in socially constructed processes. Biopolitics ...
This study aimed to fill this gap by assessing factors within the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Framework. Participants were Hispanic college students (n = 273) residing either in the United States or Mexico who completed an online survey. Univariate ...
The social-ecological model places health outcomes, health- related behaviors, and health literacy in the context of the personal and socio-physical environments of people (26–28). It specifies five broad factors that shape health outcomes and health knowledge. These factors ...
disparities. In most social psychological theories of health behavior, social context has been consistently relegated to a relatively minor influence on individual behavior and health outcomes. While behavioral science seeks to understand, explain, and often change human behavior through the adoption of ...
Inequalities in health have long been recognized as interconnected with social, economic, and various other inequalities. The application of social justice and equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) frameworks may help expand interdisciplinary perspectives i
The social ecological model illustrates the complex relationships between a person and their environment. Reviews of the literature highlight a need to inc
D. (2013). Population disparities in mental health: Insights from cultural neuroscience. American Journal of Public Health. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301440. Collins, S., et al. (2011). An integrated conceptual framework for long-term social-ecological research. Frontiers in Ecology and the ...