The meaning of SOCIAL DISTANCE is the degree of acceptance or rejection of social interaction between individuals and especially those belonging to different social groups (such as those based on race, ethnicity, class, or gender). How to use social dist
The meaning of SOCIAL MEDIA is forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos).
Furthermore, constructivist learning theory emphasizes that teachers should assist students in improving their learning adaptability more actively and in constructing knowledge and meaning more proactively. This study empirically validates the above viewpoints and provides new discoveries. Research shows that ...
Initially, highly generalizable similarity indices such as the number of common neighbors two nodes share, preferential attachment, and path distance were used to infer tie strength. These metrics were most commonly used for link prediction and were shown to provide some information regarding tie stren...
Given its definition, the meaning of the prior predictive depends on the choice of prior distribution for the parameter vector. Here are three distinct interpretations of the prior distribution which result in different interpretations of the prior predictive distribution: View 1: The prior distribution...
It has been widely argued that in systems such as human behavior – and more broadly in social and behavioral sciences – phenomena are causally dense (Meehl, 1967, Gelman, 2011, Almaatouqa et al. 2022). The Piranha theorem (Gelman 2017 blogpost, Tosh et al. 2025) suggests that in ...
Similarly, we claim that social meaning should be taken into account when designing reasoners. [14] already showed how the names of IRIs could be used effectively as a measure for semantic distance in order to find coherent subsets of information. This is a clear case where social meaning is...
People who are close with one another look at each others eyes; avoiding eye contact can put distance between two individuals. The customs and significance of eye contact vary widely between cultures, with religious and social differences often altering its meaning greatly. For example, Japanese ...
It’s very hard work indeed is street-selling for such as me. I can’t walk no distance. I suffer a great deal of pains in my back and knees. Sometimes I go in a barrow, when I’m travelling any great way. When I go only a short way I crawl along on my knees and toes. Th...
“保持社交距离”(Social distancing)这种说法最早出现于1957年,帕顿表示:It was originally an attitude rather than a physical term, referring to an aloofness or a deliberate attempt to distance oneself from others socially. Now we all understand it as keeping a physical distance between ourselves and...