随着新冠状病毒“COVID-19”在世界范围内的传播,一个词进入了人们的视线,社交距离(social distance) ,越来越多的国家实行了社会距离战略,以隔绝病毒在人与人之间传播,达到控制病毒扩散的目的。Social distance describes the distance between different groups of society and is opposed to locational distance. T...
「From a Social Distance: How has Covid-19 increased our use of plastic?」来自华威大学制造工程学院(简称WMG)的Dr.David Xie的视频谈话,介绍了新冠疫情的流行与塑料使用之间的关系,打开看看吧~ L英国华威大学的微博视频 2英国·University of Warwick 小窗口 û收藏 3 23 ñ534...
Social distancing的正确翻译不是“社交距离”,而应该是“社交疏远”、“社交疏离”,这是distancing和distance的主要区别。 下面,我们通过一个加拿大某地政府官网的social distancing的具体要求来体会这个词的真实涵义。 *上图采自:https://w...
What Is the Best Face Mask for Omicron? Here's How to Get Your At-Home COVID-19 Tests How Booster Vaccines Build Immunity How to Digitize Your COVID-19 Vaccine Card Omicron Is 4 Times More Transmissible than Delta These Plastic Holders Keep Your COVID Card Safe ...
Social distancing has been proven as an effective measure against the spread of the infectious Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, individuals are not used to tracking the required 2M distance between themselves and their surroundings. The main aim of the proposed system presents an ...
Many employees work side by side and close together. Then the 1.5-meter social distance may be ignored. Find out how the Covid Buzzer helps you!
🦠 Social Distance: The Game Did you know that a infected person with COVID-19 will spread it on average to 2.35[4]other people? The only way to get control of coronavirus is to lower this number — and the only way to lower this number is foreveryone to reduce physical contactwith...
"Apart: Posters From a Social Distance" is a creativity-forward pandemic relief initiative using art to benefit the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
covidiot 防疫白癡 迫不及待想馬上開始練習嗎? 快打開 VoiceTube App 練英文! social distancing 保持社交距離 形容詞 social 有「社交的,交際的」的意思,而 distance (距離) 作為動詞使用時表示「疏遠;保持距離」,所以 social distancing 就是「保持社交距離」。social distancing 包含少出門、少參加聚會、少與人...
Social distancing, literally, means you should keep your distance when you're out socializing, i.e. stay far away from each other when you're in the company of other people or when you're in society at large.Scientists urging social distancing comes, of course, in light of the raging ...