Gadgets addiction behavior towards social development in adolescentsSa'ngadah, NiswatusArief, Yuni SufyantiKrisnana, IlyaFoundation for Environmental Protection and ResearchEurAsian Journal of Biosciences
The aim of this article is to investigate the long-term developmental consequences of being born to a substance-using mother, focusing on cognitive functions, attention, emotional and social development. The longitudinal sample comprised 48 adolescents aged 12-16 at the time of follow-up assessments...
. Helping the child through the various stages and the positive learning that should accompany them is a complex and difficult task, as any worried parent or teacher knows. Search for the best ways of accomplishing this task accounts for much of the research in the field of child development....
TheImpactofSocialMediaonAdolescents(青少年) Usingsocialmediahasbecomearoutineactivityformostyoungpeople.Inrecentyears,thenumberofyoungpeopleusingsocialmediahasincreaseddramatically,soalargepartoftheirsocialandemotionaldevelopmentisoccurringwhiletheyareontheInternet.Socialmediaallowyoungpeopletoachieveonlinemanyofthetasksthat...
Adolescence social development is the process of development as a teenager develops a sense of self or an identity. During this...
根据第一段关键句“In recent years, the number of young people using social media has increased dramatically, so a large part of their social and emotional development is occurring while they are on the Internet.(近年来,使用社交媒体的年轻人数量急剧增 加,因此他们的社交和情感发展很大一部分是在...
The current study was conducted to develop a valid and reliable indigenous scale to measure social competence in adolescents. Keeping the cultural specificity of social competence in view, focus groups were conducted with teachers, expert psychologists, and parents. After careful scrutiny of constructs ...
The sample consisted of 683 adolescents recruited using social media. A series of multiple linear regressions examined unique associations among adolescents' motivations to engage in social distancing, perceived amount of social distancing, anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, burdensomeness, and ...
The data suggested that Hong Kong adolescents had some but not strong confidence in their personal-social development. Boys were more confident in self-realization and maintaining wellness; girls were more confident in leadership and teamwork, relationship with the opposite sex, and avoiding drugs, ...
4 We review animal models that show extreme forms of social deprivation, including complete social isolation during adolescence, which have damaging effects on brain and behavioural development. This global crisis has, however, struck at a time when many adolescents are well positioned to mitigate ...