网络社会碳价值 网络释义 1. 社会碳价值 ...成本的概念,提 出英国政府所有部门使用统一口径的“社会碳价值”(Social cost of carbon)。|基于 1 个网页
The social cost of carbon: what does it actually depend on?" Climate Policy 6(5 - Hope () Citation Context ... 13.73 75% 42.39 90% 67.50 Values 100000 0.005 0.000 This is considerably lower than for the A2 scenario shown in figure 1, which had a mean value of $81, and might seem...
of magnitudes £70 [...] 另㆒項由R. Clarkson和 K. Deyes於 2002年 1 月為英國財政部及環境食物及鄉 郊事務部進行有關“評估碳排 放涉及的 社會 成 本” (“Estim at ing the Social Cost of Carbon Emissions”)的研究則建議採用 每公噸碳70英磅的成本( 以2000年的價格計算...
Journal of Political Economy, 2018. Forthcoming.Cai, Y., K. L. Judd, and T. S. Lontzek (2015). The Social Cost of Carbon with Economic and Climate Risks. Working Paper.Cai, Y., K.L. Judd, and T. S. Lontzek, 2015, The Social Cost of Car- bon with Economic and Climate Risks...
Foley, Duncan K., Armon Rezai and Lance Taylor (2013) "The social cost of carbon emissions: Seven propositions," Economics Letters 121(1): 90-97Foley, D., Rezai, A., Taylor, L. (2013), The Social Cost of Carbon Emissions: Seven Propositions, Economics Letters 121, 90-97....
We present an optimal taxation model of the social cost of carbon that accounts for inequality between and within countries. We find that climate and distributional policy can generally not be separated. If only one country does not compensate low-income households for disproportionate damages, the ...
The social cost of carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) measures the monetized value of the damages to society caused by an incremental metric tonne of CO2 emissions and is a key metric informing climate policy. Used by governments and other decision-makers in benefi
Estimates of the social cost of carbon are the yardstick for climate policy targets. However, there is great uncertainty and we do not know how estimates have evolved over time. Here I present a meta-analysis of published estimates showing that the social cost of carbon has increased as knowle...
Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (or, as more often called, aSocial Cost of Carbon: SCC) has been described, in the past, “asthe most important number you’ve never heard of“. TheInteragency Working Group was established in the Obama-Biden Administration(in2009) with a “commitment to en...
The internalization of the social cost of carbon (SCC) is the most efficient alternative to reduce the emissions that cause global warming. However, the carbon pricing initiatives implemented in many countries differ significantly from the empirical estimates of the SCC. Therefore, this study simulate...