CSR全称是Corporate-Social-Responsibility,即企业社会责任,所谓 企业社会责任是指企业在创造利润,对股东负责的同时,还应承担起对劳动者、消费者、环境、社区等利益相关方的责任,其核心是保护劳动者合法权益,广泛包括不歧视、不使用童工,不使用强迫性劳动,安全卫生工作环境和制度等。对于该定义需要强调的是: 第一,欧盟...
Corporate Social Responsibility Our commitments Our approach Reports Invest in communities All Microsoft Search Sign in to your account Sign in Building a responsible future In this era of AI, we remain committed to responsible innovation—ensuring that our technology benefits everyone and ...
When our technology changes the world, we have a responsibility to protect people’s fundamental rights while extending the benefits of technology and working to mitigate potential harm. For us, this means promoting responsible business practices, expanding accessibility and connectivity, and advancing fa...
认真到傻 企业的《社会责任报告》(Corporate social responsibility,简称CSR),究竟是个什么洋玩意儿? 很多人不知道,包括一些投资的、炒股的也不知道,甚至压根儿没听说过! 之所以“不知道”,是因为很多人认为这报告不重要。所以,上市公司即使发布了,他们也不看。追剧,吃瓜,打游戏,多爽! 再说,这年头,能浏览一下上市...
1企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,简称CSR)的正式定义虽经国内、外论坛多次讨论,却仍莫衷一是。目前国际上普遍认同CSR理念:企业在创造利润、对股东利益负责的同时,还要承担对员工、对社会和环境的社会责任,包括遵守商业道德、生产安全、职业健康、保护劳动者的合法权益、节约资源等。下列选项中,能够反映企业...
13.企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility,简称CSR)是指企业在创造利润、对股东承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对员工、消费者、社区和环境的责任,企业釣社会责任要求企业必须超越把利润作为唯一目标的传统理念,强调要在生产过程中对人的价值的关注,强调对环境、消费者、对社会的贡献。下列说法符合企业承担社会责任的...
企业社会责任〔Corporate social responsibility,简称CSR〕是指企业在创造利润、对股东承当法律责任的同时,还要承当对员工、消费者、社区和环境的责任,企业社会责任要求企业必须超越把利润作为唯一目标的传统理念,强调要在生产过程中对人的价值的关注,强调对环境、消费者、对社会的奉献。以下说法符合企业承当社会责任的是 ①...
Corporate social responsibility is the practices companies undertake to make a positive impact on people and the planet, while still making a profit.
Corporate Social Responsibility Examples Take a look at some well-known companies with particularly standout social responsibility programs. Companies can get inspired by these offerings as they look to craft and refine their own, and nonprofits can seek corporate partnership opportunities with mission-fo...
CSR impacts companies, nonprofits, and employees, as well as society as a whole. Corporate social responsibility is not a mandated practice in the United States; instead, it is something extra that companies do to improve their local and global communities. This means that the general public can...