Social control theory in criminologyLawrence W
The publication of Travis Hirschi's Causes of Delinquency in 1969 was a watershed moment in criminology. There are many reasons for the work's lasting influence. Hirschi carefully examined the underlying assumptions of extant theories of crime in light of what was known about the individual-...
Drawing upon social control theory in criminology, this paper examines the relationship between gender roles and the inhibitors of deviance. We develop and test hypotheses that "traditional" females, defined in terms of either position in the social structure or gender‐role attitudes, perceive higher...
Social control/bond theory was developed by Travis Hirschi in1969. The social control approach is one of the three major sociological perspectives in understanding crime in our contemporary criminology. The theory holds that individuals will break the law as a result of the breakdown of the social...
FIVE KEY IDEA: HIRSCHI'S SOCIAL BOND/SOCIAL CONTROL THEORY KEY WORK Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of delinquency. Berkeley: University of California Press. Travis Hirschi's social bond/social control theory has remained a major paradigm in criminology since its introduction in 1969. To be sure...
社会控制理论(Social control theory)On the causes of juvenile delinquency from the perspective of control theory [Author: Liu Yingjun, Qin Guowen posted: Hunan sociological network hits: 3378 update time: 2007-8-23 article entry: Admin]The judicial statistics of juvenile delinquency in China refers...
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It is Hirschi's (1969) formulation of control theory that is the most influential in criminology. His basic proposition is that ‘delinquent acts result when an individual's bond to society is weak or broken’ (p. 16). For adolescents, the bond materializes in the family, at school, and...
The Theory of Social Capital and the Renewal of the Paradigm of Tensions and Opportunities in Sociological Criminology It is held that the use of social capitalization theory in sociological criminology can reveal much if focus is placed on the failure to accummulate capita... J Hagan,B Mccarthy...
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