Finally, immaterial constructs such as value co-creation and ecosystems need to be carefully studied first through an inductive and practice-based approach [62,63]. So, the exploratory and qualitative method allows the gain of deeper investigation of a phenomenon and permits only the identification ...
This study drew solely on proven constructs and measures identified throughout the literature 3(.sMeeeAthpopdeonldogixy Aan).dMDualttaipCleolslceaclteiointems were adopted, measured using Likert-type scales ranging from 1 to 7, and followed standard data collection protocol reported in previous ...
. One of the key constructs of the TTM is the Stages of Change: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance. It assumes that the temporal path of behavioural change can be broken down into four independent, qualitatively different stages: predecisional, preactional, actional...
The following section describes the previous literature. Section 3 constructs a theoretical framework and presents hypotheses. The sample selection, variables and estimation model are provided in Section 4. Section 5 provides the results and Section 6 summarizes the discussions and conclusions. 2. ...
First, through an online survey, which adapted the compulsive Internet use scale (CIUS) for three types of problems (i.e., generalised Internet use, and specific online gaming and social networking). Second, potential problem users' perceptions of the evolution of these problems (aetiology, ...