epilepsy social cognition executive function theory of mind childhood 1. Introduction The childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (CECTS) is self-limited epilepsy of unknown etiology [1,2]. It is the most common focal epilepsy among pediatric epilepsies, and it represents up to 16% of all...
Social cognition can be defined as “the mental operations that underlie social interactions, including perceiving, interpreting, and generating responses to the intentions, dispositions, and behaviors of others” (Bora et al., 2015; From: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2021 ...
Humans tend to shift attention according to others’ eye-gaze direction. This is a core ability as it permits to create pervasive relationships among individuals and with the environment around them. In the beginning, this form of social orienting was considered a reflexive phenomenon, but in rece...
Significant increases on social cognitive measures of theory of mind and emotion recognition, as well as in real life social and occupational functioning were found post-training. These findings suggest that the virtual reality platform is a promising tool for improving social skills, cognition, and ...
Explain the theory of Anomie. What is theory formulation? What is social cognition? What is the labeling theory and what does it mean for social norms? What is humanistic theory? Which theories are important to engage in neuropsychoanalysis?
Everyday social interactions require us to closely monitor, predict, and synchronise our movements with those of an interacting partner. Experimental studies of social synchrony typically examine the social-cognitive outcomes associated with synchrony, s
Recent theories have linked autism to challenges in prediction learning and social cognition. It is unknown, however, how autism affects learning about threats from others “demonstrators” through observation, which contains predictive learning based on social information. The aims of this study are th...
Social cognition deficits in animal models of neurodevelopmental disorders like ASD and SCZ have been linked to an altered balance of excitation and inhibition (E/I ratio) within the cortex generally, and PFC specifically. A clear picture of the mechanisms by which altered E/I ra...
These findings reveal key insights into the dynamics of eye contact as discussed below. Eye contact involves a network of regions, most consistently those involved in social cognition such as the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)42,43 with the anterior cingulate cortex44, the superior temporal sulcus...
mentalistic cognition refers to a large set of socio-cognitive abilities including eye-contact, joint attention, theory-of-mind, social imagination, narrative-production, and verbal intelligence – all of which are integral for initiating and facilitating successful social interactions [7,8]. Unlike ...