ii) the wide range of potential SMU-related stressors experienced by young people can be meaningfully grouped into four broad classes (viz. a) negative self-reflections, b) overwhelm by constant demands, c) exposure to negativity, d) addiction behaviours); and iii) SMU experiences (and the ...
Results of this study were derived from baseline data of the Pink Carpet Y Cohort Study in Singapore, comprising a sample of 570 HIV-negative YMSM aged 18 to 25 years old. Latent class analysis was employed to identify classes with similar patterns of sexualized substance use, and multinom...
The internal consistency for this scale is α =0.96 in this study. Migration pathways were assessed as to whether humanitarian migrants arrived in Australia via the onshore or offshore pathway. The offshore pathway is for those granted permanent protection visas (i.e., Visa Sub- classes 200,...
checking models, expanding models) as part of a larger scientific workflow, which also includes substantive theory, measurement, and data collection. In statistics and machine learning—theory and application alike—we focus so much on
the distribution of the transformed residuals is actually normal in every year. The same transformation is applied to raw social exclusion before implementing the SMC analysis, in order to guarantee a one-to-one correspondence between the five classes identified and the quintiles of the distribution....
in that classroom, they’re having fun with the other kids during breaks, and they’re running around outside with our [Czech] kids.’ The noticeable optimism of the school management led us to employ a sociometric approach to capture the perspective of all students in the sample classes. ...
[42]. Existing studies of online gambling show that poor academic performance, as reflected by lower grades in school, is predictive of monetary online gambling among adolescents [15,43,44]. Further, academic problems, such as missed classes, poor study habits, and failure to submit work, are...
2. Since students know their grades will be adjusted, they can choose and evaluate their classes based on what they expect to learn and how they expect to perform; they don’t have to worry about the extraneous factor of how easy the grading is. ...
COVID-19 has emerged as a widely researched topic and the academia has taken interest in the effects of COVID-19 in various sectors of human life and society. Most of the bibliometric research addresses scientific contributions in medicine, health, and virology related topics, with very little ...
but the model parameters may differ across the age groups. This analysis gives insight into differences in cluster solutions between the different age groups. The second multi-group LCA is constrained insofar that the association between the latent classes and the social need variables is equal for...