Social Class and School Knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 11(1), 3-42.Anyon, J. (1981). Social class and school knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry 11(1), 3‐ 42.Anyon,Jean.“Social class and school knowledge.”. Curriculum Inquiry . 1981...
The Social Class in Britain 热度: SocialClassandSchoolKnowledge JeanAnyon CurriculumInquiry,Vol.11,No.1.(Spring,1981),pp.3-42. StableURL: http://links.jstor/sici?sici=0362-6784%28198121%2911%3A1%3C3%3ASCASK%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E CurriculumInquiryiscurrentlypublishedbyOntarioInstituteforStudiesinEducati...
作者: Jean Anyon 摘要: Data on the nature and distribution of school knowledge were gathered in an investigation of curriculum, pedagogy, and pupil evaluation practices in five elementary schools differentiated by social class. The study reveals that, even where there is a fairly...
Social class and the hidden curriculum of work. Journal ofeducation, 67-92.Anyon, J., 1980, `Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work' in The Journal of Education, vol 162, No. 1, pp. 67-92Anyon, Jean. 1980. "Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work." Journal of ...
SocialClass HiddenCurriculum WorkJEAN ANYON (From: Journal Education,Vol. 162, Fall1980.) wealthycommunities betterthan those poorcommunities, betterprepare desirablejobs. shocking,however, learnhow vast somuch teachingmethods education.Jean Anyon observed five elementary schools over fullschool year fifth-...
内容提示: Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work JEAN ANYON (From: Journal of Education , Vol. 162, no. 1, Fall 1980.) It ' s no surprise that schools in wealthy co mm unities are better than those in poor co mm unities, or that they better prepare their students for ...
Anyon,Jean 摘要: This article discusses examples of work tasks and interaction in five elementary schools in contrasting social class communities. The examples illustrate differences in classroom experience and curriculum knowledge among the schools. The paper also assesses student work in each social ...
“Documenting Reproduction and Inequality: Revisiting Jean Anyon's ‘Social Class and School Knowledge’.” Curriculum Inquiry 40 (1): 167–182.Luke, A. (2010). Documenting reproduction and inequality: Revisiting Jean Anyon’s ‘Social Class and School Knowledge’. Curriculum Inquiry, 40 (1), ...
Documenting reproduction and inequality: Revisiting Jean Anyon's "Social class and school knowledge". Curriculum Inquiry, 40(1), 167-182.Luke, A. (2010) Documenting reproduction and inequality: Revisiting Jean Anyon's "social class and school knowledge". Curriculum Inquiry, 40(1), 167-182....
Race, social class, and educational reform in an inner-city school. Teachers College Record, 97(1), 69e94.Anyon, Jean. (1995). "Race, social class and educational reform in an inner-city school." Teachers College Record 97:69-94.