Sudhanshu HandaPergamonBrugh K, Angeles G, Mvula P, Tsoka M, Handa S. Impacts of the Malawi social cash transfer program on household food and nutrition security. Food Policy. 2017;
The Social Cash Transfer Programme in Malawi uses community-based targeting (CBT) to identify beneficiaries. Based on a village-level case study, this paper examined the characteristics of beneficiaries selected through CBT. The study clarified that the socioeconomic characteristics of beneficiary househol...
Paying for Happiness: experimental results from a large cash transfer program in Malawi 10.1002/pam.22044 View in Scopus Google Scholar [3] T.G. Benton, J.A. Vickery, J.D. Wilson Farmland biodiversity: is habitat heterogeneity the key?
Charities and social aid in Greece and Rome. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. Google Scholar Haushofer, J., & Shapiro, J. (2013). Household response to income changes: evidence from an unconditional cash transfer program in Kenya (mimeo). Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of...
Empirical evidence also suggests that poor people use saving products more than they use credit. The Opportunity International Bank of Malawi has 45,000 borrowers and 250,000 savers, the Equity Bank in Kenya has 715,000 borrowers and four million depositors, and the Grameen Bank has over US$1....
Study data are from an impact evaluation of the Government of Malawi's Social Cash Transfer Program, a cluster-randomized control trial that employs both random selection and random assignment. We use the difference-in-differences specification to estimate average treatment effects of the program on ...
External Evaluation of the Performance and Impact of the Social Cash Transfer Scheme in Malawi6.1 Does the Evidence Justify Scaling Up?... 386.2 Scalability of Social Cash Transfers... 386.4 Financing and Budgetary Implications...
Targeting in Social Cash Transfer and Farm Input Subsidy programmes in Malawi: should they be harmonized?Literature suggests several approaches of targeting beneficiaries in targeted development programmes. Ellis et al (2009) identify six ways in which social protection programmes have identified and ...
(2011). The impact of the social cash transfer scheme on food security in Malawi. Food Policy, 36 , 230–238.Miller CM, Tsoka M, Reichert K. 2011. The impact of the Social Cash Transfer Scheme on food security in Malawi. Food Policy 36: 230-8....
The Malawi Social Cash Transfer and the impact of $14 per month on child healthCandace MillerScDMaxton TsokaKathryn Reichert