The continuing professional education and learning (CPEL) framework is directly commissioned by the professional regulator Social Care Wales, provided by an alliance of four universities (Bangor, Cardiff, Glyndwr and Swansea) and actively involves employers, practitioners and service users in their ...
This study explores determinants of attitudes toward gender inequality among Chinese people using five waves of the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) and East Asian Social Survey (EASS, 2016). The study uses five survey questions regarding the relativ
providing much needed support and care to improve a person's quality of life, we've got apprenticeships that can take you there. You'll learn on the job, get paid and when you've completed your training you'll have a recognised qualification in one of the fastest growing sectors in the...
Qualification levels in England are defined by the government (where Entry level and Level 1 are the lowest, and Level 8 is the highest). Education, [skills, and training] deprivation: Deprivation index related to lack of attainment and skills in the local population both for adults, and for...
, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Ecole Superieure Des Sciences Economiques Et Commerciales (ESSEC), S.P. Jain Center of Management Singapore, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Singapore and UNSW Asia, The University of New South Wales....
problems affected them to a larger extent compared to respondents who could keep their living room comfortably warm, without cost qualification (seeTable 2). Table 2. Mean scores for the experience of CDM problems depending on whether respondents could keep comfortably warm in their living room ...
Demographic factors included: sex (male/female), Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (yes/no), marital status (single or never married/married or de facto/separated or divorced/widowed) government pension as the main source of income (yes/no), highest education qualification (left school...
This variable is included in the statistical modelling to control for possible effects of further qualification achieved between first leaving HE education and the occupation acquired 3.5 years after graduation. In addition, apart from the social class of destination, we also examine another employment ...
Social work regulation is devolved in the United Kingdom—England (Health and Care Professions Council), Wales (Social Care Wales), Scotland (Scottish Social Services Council) and Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Social Care Council). These four bodies operate within a Memorandum of Understanding ...