Nottingham City CouncilJackDawe ServicePeck E. Integrating health and social care. Managing Community Care 2002;10(3):16-9.Humphries R, Curry N. Integrating health and social care . London: Kings Fund, 2011Humphries R, Curry N. Integrating health and social care. Where next? London: The ...
Yoon Irons School of Psychology, College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby UK Cultural Studies, Health and Medical Humanities, Psychology, Theatre & Performance Md Nazmul Islam Department of Political Science and Public Administration, and Institute for International Relations and...
BATH-OUT-2 is one of the first clinical trials currently underway within adult social care and housing adaptations services in six English local authorities. It provides an opportunity to explore how the clinical trial road map fares in these settings. Whilst setting up BATH-OUT-2, we ...
An advantage of the ASEX is its simplicity and brevity (five items), making it suitable for the screening of sexual function problems in healthcare contexts and large-scale studies. The main objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the ASEX in a multi-national ...
Nottingham CityCare (NCC) Improvements to existing service Flexible capacity for care of elderly leaving hospital in partnership with private sector providers Initiative encouraged and funded by public service commissioners Roadshow and clinics for carers; High level of patient satisfaction (97%) Skype ap... Holland, S. (2009). Listening to children in care: A review of methodological and theoretical approaches to understanding looked after children’s perspectives. Children and Society, 23(3), 226–...
The rising prevalence of harassment in Middle Eastern countries is mirrored in literary works from the region. However, extracting data from these texts to understand the typology and frequency of the cases poses a significant challenge due to human cogn
Ron Inglis, of Nottingham city council, said: “The destruction during the Reformation has parallels to how Isis dealt with religious monuments. What we want to do is to try to recreate what the interior of the priory church would have been like.” ...
healthcare settings – he specifically did not want his GP to know about his sexual identity or lifestyle. For all of these individuals, the provision of sexual health services in the gay sauna, which removed all of the obstacles cited by participants, filled an important gap. The ...
A.: 1987, ‘Development of a quality-of-life rating scale for use in health-care evaluation’, Evaluation and the Health Professions 10, pp. 186–200. Google Scholar Cocking, R. R.: 1992, ‘Implications of enviromental variables for the quality of life’, Journal of Applied Development ...