Family & Community HistorySeal, C. , ‘ Social care in northern England: the almshouses of County Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ’, Family & Community History , 16 , pp. 45 – 65 ....
Firstly, this chapter offers an overview of the transformations in social care in England. It discusses the implications of neoliberal policy objectives that have driven the changes, primarily individual responsibility and consumer choice, for older people who need care. It then turns to focus on th...
This article discusses the need for specialist social care support for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. It outlines how services for this group have been developed in England, making particular reference to services in Northamptonshire, a local government area with ...
In England, adult social care providers were especially challenged by staff retainment in 2021. According to this survey conducted from September to October 2021, over 70 percent of responding providers across England stated that staff retainment was more challenging than earlier in the...
Since 2010, adult social care spending in England has fallen significantly in real terms whilst demand has risen. Reductions in social care supply may also have impacted demand for NHS services, particularly for those whose care is provided at the interface of the health and care systems. We ...
In the 30 months between the last and upcoming election, an estimated 74000 people will have died waiting for social care in England, according to a new report from Age UK. The charity said this is equivalent to 81 people a day or three an hour between 8 June 2017 to 12th December ...
The Access Adam Care Commissioning system aims to support the NHS 5 year digitisation plan and is actively working with NHS England to ensure our reporting tools align with NHS data requirements. Benefit from Access Health, Support and Care’s clinical expertise and understanding of the sector with...
Successive governments have postponed introducing a cap on the lifetime costs any individual must contribute towards their personal care in England. The cap — set at £86,000 by the last Tory government — was due to come into force this October, but after chancellor Rachel Reeves discovered...
All decisions made by local councils about adult social care and support should comply with equality and human rights standards and with social care laws in England and Wales. There is a duty to promote wellbeing and take into account the views and wishes of the person concerned. ...
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