I review four such consequences and illustrate them with relevant examples. Recent writings on social capital have extended the concept from an individual asset to a feature of communities and even nations. The final sections describe this conceptual stretch and examine its limitations. I argue that...
AlejandroPortesDepartmentofSociology, PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,NewJersey085<>40KEYWORDS:social control,familysupport,networks,sociabilityThispaperreviewsthe originsanddefinitionsofsocialcapitalinthewritingsofBourdieu, Loury,andColeman,amongotherauthors.Itdistinguishesfoursources ofsocialcapitalandexaminestheirdynamics....
I argue that, as shorthand for the positive consequences of sociability, social capital has a definite place in sociological theory. However, excessive extensions of the concept may jeopardize its heuristic value. Alejandro Portes is professor of sociology at Princeton University and faculty associate ...
School boards have received little attention in sociology of education. Drawing on organizational sociology, a model of school board social capital is proposed that treats brokerage (external ties) and closure (internal ties) as the key dimensions of board functioning. The model brings together ...
Social Capital simply means that participation in social groups and networks can have positive consequences of individuals and society. The notion reappeared with modern sociology and is already well developed in the writings of Marx, Durkheim, Simmel, and Weber. Contemporary social thinkers, however,...
social change, in sociology, the alteration of mechanisms within the social structure, characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behaviour, social organizations, or value systems. Throughout the historical development of their discipline, sociologists have borrowed models of social change ...
SocialCapital:ItsOriginsandApplicationsinModernSociologyAlejandroPortesAnnualReviewofSociology,.(1998),: 标签 智能运输系统社会学 0.019页 0.044页 5.064页 0.031页 0.024页 0.050页 0.012页 0.039页 0.031页 0.023页 0.016页 0.043页 3.559页 0.05页 0.028页 ...
Social Embeddedness, Social Capital and the Market Process Social Embeddedness, social capital and the market process: An introduction to the special issue on Austrian economics, economic sociology and social capital... E Chamleewright 被引量: 1发表: 2012年 Introduction...
Our results show that chimpanzees living in larger groups employ their social capital differently than chimpanzees in smaller groups, like in humans19,32. This suggests that chimpanzees navigate their social environment flexibly, distributing their social resources across many group members when needed, ...
18–20 Due to social capital's broad applicability, scientists studying its impact come from a diverse array of disciplines, including sociology, political science, and psychology. The process of defining and measuring social capital has been frustrated by variable terms and definitions that can ...