in the light of Hume’s early exposure to legal theory as a student, that his theory of causation is an attempt to produce a comprehensive response to the theory of power and property outlined in Locke’s epistemology and in his political theory, ‘Hume’s Theory of Justice and Property’...
The history of the concept of a social contract dates back to the Age of Enlightenment and has been expounded upon through modern time to include a variety of opinions and thoughts. Socrates and the Social Contract Theory Socrates is considered the founder of the social contract theory. He stat...
1. Structure and Function of State Governments 2. Local Governance and Municipalities 3. Interaction between Local, State, and Federal Entities X. Research Methods in Political Science 1. Approaches to Political Research 2. Using Data in Political Analysis: Polls, Surveys, and More ...
John Locke, English philosopher whose works lie at the foundation of modern philosophical empiricism and political liberalism. He was an inspirer of both the European Enlightenment and the Constitution of the United States. Learn more about Locke’s life
Strictly defined as the science of humankind, it could be seen as superseding specialized areas of focus such as political economy and political science. In practice and from the beginning, however, anthropology concerned itself overwhelmingly with small-scale preindustrial societies. On the one ...
John Tanton, Citizen Activist, by Alan Wall On John Tanton and The Camp of the Saints, by Michelle Malkin A Citizen Who Took Up Arms for His Country, by Peter Brimelow Summary Thoughts on Immigration Policy, by John H. Tanton, M.D. ...
For if medicine is really to accomplish its great task, it must intervene in political and social life. It must point out the hindrances that impede the normal social functioning of vital processes, and effect their removal. — Rudolf Virchow In Die einheitsrebungen in der wissenschaftlichen ...
In recent years, higher education institutions have faced unprecedented challenges. From navigating the ongoing impacts of a global pandemic to addressing increasing societal and political pressures, colleges and universities are at a crossroads. The turbulence of the past few years has forced academic ...
We close the paper by pointing to the importance of bottom-up ethics and the need to embed those into revalued and redesigned ethical standards, processes, and assessments that can provide external guidance and accountability (“Concluding thoughts”). Ethics in transformative research In this ...
Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher in the 17th century, was best known for his book 'Leviathan' (1651) and his political views on society.