cultural policiesuniversity in communityThe article tackles on the social and cultural dimension of education, illustrated in the concept of lifelong learning/ continuous formation and the developments of this type of education in a specific institution: Babeş-Bolyai, Romania. The first part ...
CulturalValueDimensionofSocialDevelopmentPhilosophicalReflectionsfromA 系统标签: 哲学发展观perroux价值francois发展 【哲学研究】 社会发展的价值之维 ———基于《新发展观》的哲学思考 何小勇 ,张艳娥 ! ( 西北政法大学,西安 ; 西安财经学院,西安 ) 摘要:佩鲁所著的《新发展观》从批判传统经济学的发展研究入手,引入...
Our argument is threefold: The first dimension focuses on how to assess and anticipate change by establishing chains of interconnected traits that describe and causally connect sensitivity and response to different urban pressures such as heat, soil compaction, environmental toxicants, and stormwater runo...
It is a practical definition in that it can be operationalised for empirical research and by focusing on wellbeing as resulting from the interplay of needs met; freedoms to act, and satisfactions in achieving goals, the approach yields new interpretations of development problems. The paper ...
Until recently, the dominant influence in this area has been that of Piaget, whose approach to play formed an integral part of his larger theory of cognitive development. Although the Piagetian research program is far from exhausted, the absence of a sociocultural dimension in his approach ...
Achieving sustainable rural development is essential for countries worldwide to balance development between urban and rural areas; especially, sustainable social development is crucial. In the face of rapid urbanization in China, the withdrawal of rural homesteads (WRH) has become the core policy for ...
Network analytical metrics often seek to capture the structural dimension of social capital, but such data collections using traditional social research to
aThe overall development concept, by lots of cultural relics and historic to the whole city, only start protection for people to appreciate works of art, and the protection of various energy as the social, economic development in the history of architecture and environment, and the protection and...
Our findings show that social capital, values and cultural dimensions have the greatest capacity to predict changes in subjective well-being in the long term. However, economic resources—especially household income—are the most relevant predictors of changes in subjective well-being in the short ter...
Methodology involves qualitative research, “review research”, systematic review and scale development that get close to theory development. First, a qualitative approach is appropriate while examining previous publications in depth. The research question and the study purpose help justify the use of qua...