The Player’s professional development role must be approved prior to the Roster Compliance Date and last through the full season. The Player must have responsibilities enabling him to develop skills in different parts of the Club’s business, including but not limited to coaching, scouting, front...
So whether you want to embed your animation in a presentation or scouting report, display it on a smart board at game time, or share it with your team before practice, you can make sure your team always know what they need to do when it matters. ...
1 Introduction Objectively assessing how valuable an action in a soccer match is, is a crucial task in soccer analytics that has applications in scouting, player acquisition, and tactical analysis. Initial metrics such as expected goals (xG) [10] and ex- pected assists (xA) [19] take a ...
Nowadays, most state-of-the-art automatic methods are based on deep learn- ing and have shown impressive performance on tasks such as player detection and tracking [7, 39, 58], tactics analy- sis [53], pass feasibility [2] and prediction in socc...
One of the things that I always pushed for from the day I started at NbN was to add some sort of podcast. I thought this would be a really cool way to put us onto another platform and make it even more interactive. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get around to that until the sho...
In late October,The Crimson, the school’s newspaper,reportedthat the “scouting report” was first created by the 2012 men’s soccer team to rate that year’s women’s team recruits. In his email, Scalise explained the reason behind his decision to cancel the season w...
Advanced data analytics are being more frequently employed on both the club and national levels to improve performance, equipment, marketing, scouting, etc. Soccer therefore offers interest- ing challenges for the machine learning community. This special issue solicited articles on all aspects of data...
These data can be used for scouting, performance analysis, and tactical analysis, but an increased interest is in assessing the risk of injuries. With this huge amount of data, the use of complex models for data analysis is mandatory and, for this reason, machine learning models are ...