Acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in top-class young soccer players. Eur J Sport Sci 2011;11:191-96.Juarez D, De Subijana CL, Mallo J, Navarro E. Acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in top-class young soccer players. ...
This study suggests that dynamic stretching within warm-ups may be more effective than static stretching as a preparation for the instep kick in soccer players.doi:10.1080/19346182.2014.893348Mohammadtaghi Amiri-KhorasaniRené E.D. FerdinandsSports Technology...
Although acute surgical management has been explored, nonoperative management remains the mainstay of treatment after first-time dislocation. In the setting of recurrent lateral patellar instability, surgical reconstruction is typically recommended, including MPFL reconstruction with adjuvant bony and soft ...
Ore ofe O. AdesinaDouglas P. BeallGeorge W. MaddenRyan B. HurstJournal - Oklahoma State Medical AssociationAdesina OO, Beall DP, Madden GW, et al. Leg pain in a young soccer player: the diagnosis of acute exertional compartment syndrome. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2009; 102 (3): 82-4...
Acute effects of static stretching duration on isokinetic peak torque production of soccer players. J. Bodywork Movement Ther. (in press).Zakas A, Doganis G, Papakonstandinou V, Sentelidis T, Vamvakoudis E. Acute effects of static stretching duration on isokinetic peak torque production of ...
BACKGROUND: Acute lateral ankle sprains are the single most often diagnosed injury in female soccer players and often result in an inability to play. This highlights the need for effective prevention strategies. Proprioceptive training and/or the use of an external support to decrease inversion of ...
Methods: A retrospective review of all patients treated with acute ACL repair was conducted. A total of 50 amateur soccer players were included in the study. Patients were examined clinically or contacted to complete postoperative patient-reported outcome measures, namely the Knee injury and ...
Ankle spraininjury predictionwomen's soccerWomen's soccer has among the highest injury rates in collegiate sports, and lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are among the most commonly occurring injuries in that athletic population. However, no established LAS prediction model exists for collegiate women's ....
The primary aim of this study was to examine differences in self-reported concussion-related symptoms (CRS), balance (BESS), and neurocognitive performance (ImPACT) following an acute bout of soccer heading in a group of female collegiate players with and without a history of concussion. Eighty-...
The Acute Effects of Combined Foam Rolling and Static Stretching Program on Hip Flexion and Jumping Ability in Soccer PlayersIntroductionThe warm-up in individual or team sports, such as soccer, is considered to be an...Kyranoudis, Angelos...