[Japan Soc. Promotion of Sci International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference - Osaka, Japan (7-11 July 2003)] IEEE/CPMT/SEMI. 28th International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium (Cat. No.03CH37479) - Remarkably low value of work function on W(100) produced by Y-O composite ...
狮子的新家03|这东西是100年前的国潮?我直接踩在脚下 大家好,这里是只分享深度专业装修干货的住范儿,这是「狮子的新家」系列第三篇。 上次发完我的装修灵感是 1920 年代的岭南风,居然一大波假粉说坐等我家翻车! 咱是谁?咱可是专注家居科普六年的大狮子!翻车啥的不存在的。 为了实现原汁原味的岭南风,房子都...
[IEEE Comput. Soc Proceedings. Tenth International Symposium on System Synthesis (Cat. No.97TB100114) - Antwerp, Belgium (17-19 Sept. 1997)] Proceedings. T... We present an algorithm for synthesising controllers specified in a subset of the interval temporal logic called 'duration calculus'....