In API version 39.0 and later, getPopulatedFieldsAsMap returns all values set on the SObject, even if values were set after the record was queried. This behavior is dependent on the version of the apex class calling this method and not on the version of the class that generated the SO...
publicwith sharingclassPicklistController {publicGoods__c goods {get;set;}publicString pickListFieldName {get;set;}publicPicklistController() { Map<String, String> req =ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters(); PageReference ref=ApexPages.currentPage();//设置当前的页面开发模式开启//ref.getParamete...
apex でのデータの操作 / sobject の操作 sobject の操作 この开発者ガイドでは、 sobject という用语は、 プラットフォームデータベースに保存できるオブジェクトを指します。 sobject の型 sobject 変数は 1 行のデータを表し、soap api のオブジェクト名を使用して apex でのみ...
DescribeSObjectResult包含许多实例方法,参见:Apex Developer Guide 中的DescribeSObjectResult Class. 这里只对其中部分方法进行说明(RecordType相关): getRecordTypeInfos()返回一个List,包含当前Object所支持的所有的RecordTypes.当前用户不需要有对每个RecordType都有访问权限也可查看此List. 1 public List<Schema.Recor...
publicwithsharingclassPicklistController{publicGoods__c goods{get;set;}publicString pickListFieldName{get;set;}publicPicklistController(){Map<String,String>req=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters();PageReference ref=ApexPages.currentPage();//设置当前的页面开发模式开启//ref.getParameters().put('cor...
All Apex variables, whether they are class member Variables or member variables, are initialized to null. Make sure that we initialize variables to appropriate values before using them. Ex:Initialize a Boolean Variable to False. Apex Primitive data types include.Boolean:A value that can only be ...
在Salesforce中可以创建Web Service供外部系统调用,并且可以以SOAP或者REST方式向外提供调用接口,下来的内容将详细讲述一下用SOAP的方式创建Web Service并且用java...【注:要想使其成为web service,那么class一定要定义成global的,具体的方法要用 webSer...
Bug After Install NVIDIA APEX 🐛 Bug After I install NVIDIA APEX i got this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 397, in <module> train(hyp) File "", line 116, in train {k: v for k, v in ckpt['model'].st...
Here you create a checking account object based on the BankAcct class. Technically, this is called instantiating an object: creating a specific instance of an object defined by its class. Then you invoke the makeDeposit method to run the code that adds money to the account balance....
The error you encountered seems to be related to the installation of the Apex library. If you have Apex installed, please try reinstalling it. If not, you can uninstall it. The issue you're facing should be resolved after fixing the Apex installation. Let me know if you need further ...