humanbydefinition / p5js-edge-detection-ascii-renderer Star 7 Code Issues Pull requests A fast and customizable p5.js ascii renderer with edge detection utilizing GLSL shaders javascript webgl creative-coding ascii glsl ascii-art ascii-graphics p5js glsl-shader sobel ascii-art-generator sobel-...
A Sobel filter, in the context of Computer Science, is a type of filter that is used for edge detection in images. It is defined by a specific matrix or window size, such as 3x3 or 5x5, and is applied to the image to highlight the edges by calculating the gradient intensity. ...
However, the existing QSED algorithms only consider two- or four-direction Sobel operator, which leads to a certain loss of edge detail information in some high-definition images. In this paper, a novel QSED algorithm based on eight-direction Sobel operator is proposed, which not only reduces ...
detectionoperatoranditsmathematicaldefinitionandfunctionimplementation. ②Thisarticledescribesseveralcommonlyusedcurrentmethodsofimage segmentation,focusingonanumberofmorphologicalwatershedalgorithmwiththe principleandalgorithmstepswatershedtransformalgorithmfornoise-sensitiveand ...
In order to solve the problems of inefficient retrieval target, visual fatigue and complex algorithm implementation in the monitoring system, this paper proposes an innovative method of image edge enhancement by superimposing edge detection image and source image. Based on this idea, an IP module of...
The proposed architecture uses single processing element for both horizontal and vertical gradient computation for Sobel operator and utilised approximately 38% less FPGA resources as compared to standard Sobel edge detection architecture while maintaining real-time frame rates for high definition videos (...
Thus the problems of edge detection and contour following have been widely addressed with proposed solutions ranging over simple thresholding, signal processing, filtering techniques, and definition of admissible edge profile function, etc. Most of these techniques seem to be comlex and time consuming....