The intros with the moon coming at him, him & Miyamoto with the vacuum for Luigi's Mansion and Year of Luigi, the race track background for MK8... Skits, direct presentation, a setup to make the games exciting, and a focus only on the keystone products and new goings-on. Then we ...
Since you dragged me into this mess, I think N64 only gets 12 games for $100 - MK64, DK64, MK64, SSB, OoT, MM, Pokemon Snap, F-0X, Wave Race64, SF64, DK Racing and Pokemon Stadium. I think those are all 1st party so no licensing issues. Maybe 15 if they want t...
Women seem to think that all men expect in a relationship is sex. They are so wrong. Men want sex, yes they do. It is a biological imperative for men to make that contribution to the continuation of the human race. But ladies if you think that is all it takes to keep a man happy...