Damn! A soap scum message board? Well… I have a clear vinyl shower curtain…talk about soap scum looking scummy! I’ve tried several different citric/phosphoric acid based “soap scum removers” and none are all that great. I just sponged down my clear vinyl shower curtail with straight...
I have a quick Q On Melt n Pour soap – I have read that to make a coffee and cream soap from the melt and pour you can add “a tablespoon of cream to every pound of soap”. I understand that if you use cream during CP or HP soap it preserves itself through those processes bu...
Nelle informed Josslyn that she'd been a "model inmate," which was how she'd gotten the outside work detail. She thought that running into each other would feel more "normal" as soon as Nelle was released. Josslyn shot back that Nelle would be in Pentonville "for the rest of your mis...
someone entered the Johnson house. Kayla jumped then breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that it was Steve. "I thought you were Orpheus," she explained. Steve stressed that Orpheus was gone. Kayla insisted that she should have gone with Steve to look...