Untuk bentuk soal cerita, kalian jangan lupa untuk mengikuti langkah-langkah ini ya: a.Tentukan model matematika (fungsi kendala dan fungsi objektif) b.Membuat gambar dari fungsi kendala (fungsi pembatas) c.Menentukan nilai fungsi sasaran (objektif) di titik pojok daerah penyelesaian. Jadi, lan...
The purpose of this study was to identify the cognitive level of competency test questions in the mathematics textbook for students of 2013 Curriculum for SMP/MTs grade 7th semester 1 reviewed from Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Therefore, this type of research is descriptive research. The data source in...
Rini's family b. Rini's school d. Rini's age 17. How many children do Rini's parents have? a. 6 c. 4 b. 5 d. 3 The bell was ringing. It was time for Adi's class to have physics in the laboratory. They enjoTry Out UN SMP/MTsEsis...