Givan, A.; Loewenschuss, A.; Nielsen, C. J.; Rozenberg, M. Ftir and Computational Studies of Pure and Water Containing SO3 Species in Solid Argon Matrices. J. Mol. Struct. 2007, 830, 21-34.Givan A,Loewenschuss A,Nielsen C J, et al.FTIR and computational studies ofpure and ...
为1gHA:1.28gSO。,室温反应4h.通过FTIR分析、元素分析和XPS等表征,证明了磺化产物 中引入 SO。H.与传统的浓硫酸磺化法相比,SO。/溶剂体系磺化HA新工艺的磺化效果更好,可 引入2倍的一So。H_ 关键词 腐植酸衍生物,磺化腐植酸,SO。/1,2二氯乙烷,磺化工艺 ...
9.烟气SCR脱硝过程中SO3的形成迁移及硫的平衡 烟气SCR脱硝过程中SO 的形成迁移 3 及硫的平衡 2020年9月
拥有使用从国外引进的系列专业仪器设备的条件,如CS Bio CS336X 多肽合成仪器(CS Bio)、安捷伦LC-MS液质联用仪、GC-MS气相色谱质谱联用仪、原子荧光光谱仪、纳米傅里叶红外光谱仪-Nano-FTIR、布鲁克600MHz核磁共振NMR波谱仪、冷冻干燥机,紫外分光光度计、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、Krios G3i型冷冻TEM等,可以保证反应...
The diffuse reflectance Fourier transform spectroscopic (DRS-FTIR) method, using potassium bromide matrix, has been developed for the one-drop microdetermination of sulfite in beverage samples. The present method is very simple, rapid, and precise for the determination of sulfite. The nanogram level...
The effect of tensile stretching on pure PEO and P(EO) xLiCF 3SO 3 ( x = 10 and 20) films was studied using polarized FTIR spectroscopy, wide angle scattering X-ray scattering (WAXS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The polarization effects observed in the spectra are readily ...
实验室磺化装置(FJESS―Ⅱ型),干燥箱(101―1型),恒温电热水浴锅,红外光谱仪(FTIR-650型),高效液相色谱(LC97―1型),液相色谱质谱联用仪(1100LC―MSD型)。 1.2试剂 去离子水,无水乙醇(AR),氢氧化钾(AR),甲醇(GR),石油醚(AR),质量分数为99%的3-乙氨基-4-甲基苯磺酸,质量分数为99.5%的N―乙基邻甲苯...
The remarkable electrode performance results from the facile charge transfer and Zn insertion in the structurally robust spinel featuring small particle size and abundant cation vacancies, as evidenced by combined electrochemical measurements, XRD, Raman, synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy, FTIR, and...
Conductivity and FTIR studies on PEO-LiX [X: CF3SO3(-), SO4(2-)] polymer electrolytes. Polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide)–lithium triflate (PEO–LiCFSO) and poly(ethylene oxide)–lithium sulphate (PEO–LiSO) were prepared by ... S Ramesh,TF Yuen,CJ Shen - 《Spectrochi...
FTIR spectra 2.3 产 品性能 比较 分别测试 了标题法和市售氨基磺酸法制备 的异辛 醇硫酸钠的表面活性 、耐碱渗透力和泡沫性能等。 2.3.1 表面活性 自制产品与市售产品表面张力 曲线图见图 2 。 P /(g 。L 1 . 图2 表 面张力与质量浓度关系曲线 ...